Susan Richardson
     "Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the World!"
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Susan has been married to Charlie Richardson for 30 years, and is the mother of Jake, 27 and Abby, 24. Susan's first and foremost calling is to be a wife to her husband and a mother to her children.

Saved since the age of five, Susan received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost when she was 22.

Called to preach the Word of God, Susan is the head of Love Never Fails Ministries. Susan ministers in churches, Women's Aglow meetings, lady's retreats and women's prisons, and has also traveled to the Ukraine, Africa and Israel, teaching and preaching the Word of God. As a prophet set in the Five-Fold Ministry, Susan flows in a very powerful prophetic anointing and in a very real, down-to-earth way, delivers the Word of God mingled with humor. She shares her own personal triumphs and struggles of being both a wife and a mother in today's demanding world.

Susan believes that sharing the love of God with others is the ultimate calling and that the world needs to see that there really IS a God that loves them despite their faults and mistakes!